Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Week 4 -- Gathering Resources

Skills Focus This Week:  

  • Identifying needs, next-steps, and resources. 
  • Finding mentors to help.  
  • Creating an A-Z plan. 

Challenge:  Develop a complete, written need/resource analysis and start executing.  

Skills Focus Discussion Material:  

To lay the groundwork for identifying needs and resources, we opened our week watching and discussing two videos:  

Resourcefulness Mindset.  The first was a segment of Tony Robbins' TED Talk on resourcefulness.  Our key to success, Tony argues, is not having the right resources, the right boss, the right investors, the right weather, or even right Supreme Court decision, rather it is in being resourceful, having that quality of human spirit and character to get past any challenge:  "you find a way, if you want it enough," and "decisions shape destiny."

Mentors are Vital.  The second video was Tai Lopez's TEDx talk (yes, Tai is a bit cheesy, but his message about mentors is spot on) on finding mentors to teach skills and help work through specific challenges.  Tai had a few special mentors that were key to his journey.  "Don't be afraid to go to the top," Tai advised, encouraging his listeners to get help from people at least "ten times ahead of you."  He also suggests culling the wisdom of the greatest minds by reading books voraciously and applying the lessons learned.  

Our Entrepreneurs synthesized their discussion on these principles with the idea that a knowledgeable mentor may be the most important resource of all.  

Resource List:  We explored conducting an effective need/resource analysis in running teams, the key elements of which might include these:  

  1. Consider you plan from A to Z.
  2. Point A is wherever you are right now in developing your business. 
  3. Point Z is where you want to be, having a market-ready product or service offering by Nov. 14. 
  4. Now ask: what do I need to get or do to move from A to Z?  Write everything down. 
  5. Consider specific task needs to be done next to move this item along?  And ask:
  6. Is there someone you know who could help with this item?  A mentor.
  7. When will you do it?  A goal date.  
  8. What is the priority of this task relative to getting the overall business rolling?
  9. If there are many items (and there are), a spreadsheet can be helpful to sort dates, categories, priorities, etc. 
We worked together to create an example spreadsheet.

After finishing this analysis, identify your grenade pin (or linchpin), that one relatively small thing you can do next that will net huge effects and momentum.  For several of our Entrepreneurs, this vital pin was reaching out to someone they know, a potential mentor, for a little coaching.  

Summary of Pillars Perspective:  

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to the other with no loss of enthusiasm”. Winston Churchill.
 Failure is the price of the entrepreneur.  As we look through history and look at great men and women of the past we have to look and see how failure can be one of the greatest teachers.  It can teach us how we can make things better and help shift our ideas and mindset.  The question for this week is, how can we keep going in spite of our failures?  We can see how many people quit when faced with failure.  The greatest mindset of the entrepreneur is to keep pursuing no matter what. We used Steven Pressfield’s book The War of Art, which gives a unique and inspirational way of helping those who are struggling to express their creativity, and shows that “resistance” is the greatest enemy.  But is it?  
Project: Look at an experience you have had in the past, and see how it was beneficial to help you see the experience differently.  
Guest / Field Trip:

Field trip to Utah Museum of Cultural Art.  As we end our course on culture we attended the Museum of Cultural Art in downtown Salt Lake city.  Nothing shows the direction of a society's culture like the music, arts, literature, and poetry of the time.  This is why as a class we focused on the contemporary arts.  The themes showed social themes  themes that our popular today.  The project:
Today’s project was to ask the question, as an entrepreneur do you like the way society is headed?  How as a leader can you change the trends of what is popular in a culture?   And finally how can you inspire action in your company to create the culture that you would like to see in your lifetime?

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